[Tutor] wxPython newbie

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Thu Jan 9 12:44:49 2003

>When in doubt print it out is my motto.
> And my motto is "When in doubt, learn the right way
> to do it!" ;)

Sure but a good way to find out whats happening 
in Python code is via python... Its one of its strongest 
features that almost anything can be printed.

> >         res = d.ShowModal()
> >         print res
> Because it will just be a stupid digit that doesn't
> mean anything to whoever reads the code. 

Well, it might be, but then again it could be a string 
"Yes" or "No" which is, ISTR, how TKinter dialogs respond...

> >See what gets printed and substitute in your program...
> Better to use wxID_YES, wxID_NO, wxID_OK or wxID_CANCEL.

Absolutely. If there are defined constats then use the 
definitions - or at least define your own if they don't 
already exist. But when you don't even know what type of 
response youll get, print is the best solution.

Alan g.