[Tutor] Tk Listbox scrollbars

andy surany mongo57a@comcast.net
Tue Jan 7 16:34:35 2003

Hello all,

I wrote a program for a scrolled list containing a Y-axis scrollbar
which has been working fine. At this point, my data is also overflowing
the width of the box, so I have added an X-axis scrollbar.

Both scrollbars appear, but the x-axis scrollbar is "vertical" (and
tiny...and I press the up or down arrow to move left or right). What I
want is a "slider" similar to the y scroll bar. I'm pretty sure that the
error is in the way that I am packing the widget, as follows:

sbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) # This is for the Y-axis bar and it works
tbar.pack(side=BOTTOM) # This places the X-axis bar as described above

