[Tutor] Debug

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Fri Jan 3 13:21:01 2003

> >>I'm down in the middle of some mess that goes: "def _doexec(cmd,

Use Next instead of Step. Step steps intp when you *really* want to 
get inside a function...

> Now, if you recall BASIC, there was always a real easy way to check
> out program progress. You just add a command Stop. 

That's what breakpoints do.

I can't recall whether the python debugger(or the Pythonwin one) 
do watches but if they do you can set a watch event that will stop 
the program when a variable reaches(or exceeds etc) a specified 
value. Unfortunately the python debugger is fairly primitive so 
I'm not sure it can do that yet.

Alan G