[Tutor] Debug

Bob Gailer ramrom@earthling.net
Thu Jan 2 13:34:05 2003

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At 02:00 PM 1/2/2003 -0330, Adam Vardy wrote:
>My program has disappeared. And
>I'm down in the middle of some mess that goes: "def _doexec(cmd,
>globals, locals):" And on the left of the screen 2 new windows opened
>up.  Can someone help clear this up?

Sounds like you're using PythonWin, which I use also. There are behaviors 
that are unexpected and sometimes unpredictible. def _doexec(cmd, globals, 
locals): is in PyhtonWin's debugger module; why it (sometimes) shows up in 
single step is a mystery. Your program has not disappeared; its just hidden 
behind the debugger window. My way of handling it is to make the debugger 
window very small (NOT minimize) and at the bottom of the main window. Then 
set a breakpoint in your program, and hit F5 until it reaches your breakpoint.

The 2 new windows on the left are debugger windows. The first is the watch 
window. Here you can enter variables and/or expressions to see the values 
of things as your program proceeds. The other is the stack view, showing 
which functions/methods are currently being called . There is also a 
breakpoint window which (in my version) floats, and shows where all the 
breakpoints are.

Bob Gailer
303 442 2625

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