[Tutor] script comparing two values - ASCII encoding error

Jeff Shannon jeff@ccvcorp.com
Wed Feb 26 22:03:02 2003

Mic Forster wrote:

>Hi Jeff,
>What I sent you originally was all Python gave to me.
>There was no traceback given. I also tried all your
>suggestions below, including your personalised
>function, but still to no avail. 

So, you're saying that when you typed

>>> def fun(x):

...     return f(x, s)  j

You got an immediate response of

UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in

with no other information?  Odd...   I wonder if you might be getting that error due to using non-ASCII characters as part of your code?  It doesn't *look* as though there's any non-ASCII characters there, though...  Any chance that your default site encoding changed or something odd like that?

I'm afraid that I don't know enough about Unicode and such to be able to help much beyond that.  One of the hazards of being American, I guess -- not enough pressure to learn how to deal with non-ASCII characters.  I know I *should* figure this stuff out, but there's always something else that seems more immediately relevant...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International