[Tutor] Practice Sets for newbie

Steegness steegness@hotmail.com
Tue Feb 25 22:05:02 2003

> From: riex@ligbr.com.br
> To: Tutor@python.org
> Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 15:25:16 GMT
> Subject: [Tutor] Practice sets for newbies
> Hello, tutor,
> I wonder if there are any practice tutorial sets for things like
> loops,lists, the use of modules, and etc.
> I'm new to python, and programing in general. So far I have used Josh
> Cogliati's "non-prog. tutorial for python", and also Guido Van Rossun's
> "python tutorial" to get me started.
> However, I think that having some basic practice problems could take me a
> step further.
> Does anyone have a tip for me on how to improve my python skils ?
> All the best to all, Diego.
>                riex@ligbr.com.br

For me, UselessPython has been indispensible.  There's a lot of code there
to look at, a lot of little tasks that you can try to mimic, and a page full
of interesting challenges to test your mettle.  I know it looks defunct, but
it really isn't.  Honest.  :)

Head on over to www.uselesspython.com for the goods.

Sean Steeg