[Tutor] Functions and Variable Names

bob smith bobsmith327@hotmail.com
Mon Feb 24 16:50:11 2003

I'm back with another question about functions and variable names.

Okay, if I have separate functions, I know I can pass a value between them 
with the same variable name.  But is that considered poor programming?  Will 
it make things unclear?  Here’s an trivial example of what I mean:

def f1(score):
    print "Your score of %d has been recorded." %score

def f2(score):
    if score > 80:
        print "Great job!"
        print "Keep trying."

def main():
    score = 90


"score" is the prefect name for what I'm representing, but should I have 
different names for this value in each function?  This would seem odd to me, 
but I'm trying to learn the best way to program in Python.



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