[Tutor] Newbie: writing same lines in 2 files

Anclo anclo@anclo.com
Sun Feb 23 20:10:03 2003

At 07:38 PM 2/23/2003, you wrote:


I'm trying to write a simple script which generates configuration files for 
Analog. I need 2 configuration files (so results could be displayed both 
with Analog and Reportmagic) which are identical except for a few lines.

I would like to avoid repeating twice the lines which need to be written in 
both config files. However, I always seem to run into some sort of an error.

Here is what I tried:

import commands
import string

#Get username (will be used for username.analog and username.rm)
username = raw_input("Username for .analog and .rm config files?\n")

analog_config_file = string.join((username,'.analog'),"")
analog_rm_config_file = string.join((username,'.rm'),"")

print "Analog config file to create................: ",analog_config_file
print "Analog for ReportMagic config file to create: ",analog_rm_config_file

#Get domain name from user
domain_name = raw_input("User's domain name?\n")
print "User's domain name: ",domain_name

#Open new Analog config file
outfile_analog = open(analog_config_file,'w')
outfile_analog_rm = open(analog_rm_config_file,'w')

#Define config files
config_files = [outfile_analog,outfile_analog_rm]

#Write config files
config_files[0,1].write('LOGFORMAT COMMON\n')

[... write many more lines ...]

The line:

config_files[0,1].write('LOGFORMAT COMMON\n')

is the one which doesn't work. I get the error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./analogSetup1.py", line 26, in ?
     config_files[0,1].write('LOGFORMAT COMMON\n')
TypeError: sequence index must be integer

On the other hand,

config_files[0].write('LOGFORMAT COMMON\n')
config_files[1].write('LOGFORMAT COMMON\n')

works fine.

How would I do these 2 lines with 1 line?

Thanx for your help,
