[Tutor] <TUTOR>My first (er...working...) script ever

Predrag Ivanovic Predrag Ivanovic <predivan@ptt.yu>
Sat Feb 22 16:04:03 2003


Programming and Python are pretty much new to me,but it's been fun so far...
So,i would like comments on code below,especially on style(or lack of it..)

It's  pretty much trivial,one of the exercises from Josh Cogliati's "Non-Programmers
Tutorial  For  Python",available  thru  link  from  PythonLabs(www.python.org),i
recomend it for newcomers.

It has basic functionality(it works...),but it lacks error handling and possibly
a few other things.
Maybe  ,when  i  learn  more  about  Tkinter,i'll  add  a  GUI  and  send  it to
UselessPython :)

Anyway,here comes nothing :
## exercise from chapter 5 (functions)##
## choose from a menu to calculate    ##
## area of circle,rectangle or square ##

import math
import sys

## simple menu 
def print_options() :
    print " 'o'  za opcije"
    print " 'k'  za obim kruga "
    print " 'p'  za obim pravougaonika "
    print " 'c'  za obim kvadrata"
    print " 'e'  za  exit"
## circle area 
def krug(radius) :
    return  (math.pi*radius)

##area of rectangle 
def pravougaonik(visina,duzina) :
    return ((visina*2)+(duzina*2))

## square area
def kvadrat(stranica) :
    return (stranica*4)

choice="o" ##initial value

while choice != "e" :
    if  choice == "k" :
        r=input("poluprecnik kruga :  ")
        print "obim je : ", krug(r)
    elif choice == "p" :
        v=input ("visina  : ")
        h=input (" duzina :")
        print "obim : ", pravougaonik(v,h)
    elif choice == "c" :
        d=input ("stranica :") 
        print "obim je : ", kvadrat(d)

    elif choice =="e":
    elif choice != "e":
    choice = raw_input("opcija : ")


 Thank you.

 "Just below my skin,I'm screaming..."
 Salva Mea,Faithless