[Tutor] Printing

Jeff Shannon jeff@ccvcorp.com
Fri Feb 14 17:20:02 2003

Pete Versteegen wrote:

>Hi pythonians,
>I'm wrestling with a formatting issue:
>>>>for i in range(0, len(x)):
>...     print x[i],
>h e l l o

If you need more fine-grained control of output than you can get from 
print, then use sys.stdout.write().

 >>> import sys
 >>> for x in ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']:
...     sys.stdout.write(x)

Where print does a variety of convenient formatting tricks that make it 
convenient for common usages, sys.stdout.write() provides raw access to 
the normal output stream.

Jeff Shannon
Credit International