[Tutor] Sun says: Don't use Java, use Python!

Norvell Spearman norvell@houseofspearman.org
Mon Feb 10 15:26:45 2003

On Monday, 2003.02.10, 14:37:18 -0500, Paul Tremblay wrote:
> So doesn't this mean that if you are planning to distribute a Python
> script (as I am), that you should distribute it as a module? I hadn't
> even considered that modules are faster than scripts before reading this
> thread.

According to the Python Tutorial, section 6.1.2, ``Compiled'' Python
files, the only thing faster about a compiled file is the speed with
which it is loaded.  Once loaded, it won't run any faster than the
regular script version of the program.

Norvell Spearman