[Tutor] Sun says: Don't use Java, use Python!

Gonçalo Rodrigues op73418@mail.telepac.pt
Mon Feb 10 07:53:02 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Willi Richert" <w.richert@gmx.net>
To: <tutor@python.org>
Cc: <python-de@python.net>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 8:16 AM
Subject: [Tutor] Sun says: Don't use Java, use Python!

> Hi,
> I've found this link via slashdot:
> http://www.internalmemos.com/memos/memodetails.php?memo_id=1321
> Some thoughts in this article:
> "...If the Java runtime were as small as that of Python, it is likely that
> Java daemon would become popular and could provide basic services to
> applications written in any number of languages...."
> "...A study performed by an outside team appears to indicate a rough
parity in
> performance between Java and a common implementation of another OO
> called Python (see IEEE Computing, October 2000, "An Empirical Comparison
> Seven Programming Languages" by Lutz Prechelt of the University of
> Karlsruhe). Both platforms are Object Oriented, support web applications,
> serialization, internet connections and native interfaces. The key
> is that Python is a scripting language. This means there is no compilation
> byte code so the Python runtime environment has to do two things in
> to what the Java runtime environment does. It has to perform syntax checks
> and it must parse the ascii text provided by the programmer. Both of those
> tasks are performed at compile time by Java and so that capability does
> have to be in the JRE."

This is wrong. There *is* compilation to Python bytecode. Have they never
heard of .pyc files? This does not bode well...

> Nice memo,
> wr

With my best regards,
G. Rodrigues