[Tutor] List exercise

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sat Feb 8 23:21:04 2003

On Sat, 8 Feb 2003 Anwar.Lorenzo@gmx.net wrote:

> Thank you guys for all your help. I never knew that simple exercise can
> be so complex, I'm still very early at learning python I haven't that
> used the keyword except yet so that's why I can't get a right solution.

Don't be discouraged: if something that you read on Tutor goes way over
your head, just feel free to holler for a good explanation.  I get the
feeling that the subject matter itself may not be complex, although our
replies may be.  *grin*

> Anyway do you guys think that "Thinking Like a Computer Scientist:
> Learning with Python" is the best tutorial for an absolute beginner?

Dunno.  Which one did you feel was the most readable and understandable
for you?  I thought Thinking Like a Computer Scientist was good, though
I'm more partial to Alan Gauld's "Learning to Program".  (But that's
probably because Alan's active here on the Tutor list.  *grin*)

All of the tutorials from:


are excellent, I think.  You can tickle your curiosity by seeing how other
folks explain the same concepts: expect to see a variety of explanations,
just like on this list.

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!