[Tutor] Multithreading with Python on a Windows Machine

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Sat Feb 8 15:29:02 2003

On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 stjfunai@netzero.com wrote:

> I tried to run the multithread example that came with Pyro 3.1.  The
> client wouldn't run because apparently the fork function from the os
> module is not supported on Windows.  I'd like to know if there is a
> comparable Windows-supported function available, or if there is another
> way to fork child processes.

Hi Stjunai,

I don't have a Windows system handy with me, but my memory tells me that
Python 2.2 does have a fork() for Windows... let me check.  Hmm...  Ok,
so the standard Python install for Windows doesn't appear to have it.

However, the Cygwin distribution does appear to include enough Unix
functionality to support os.fork(), from conversations on the twisted
matrix mailing lists:


You can find Cygwin here:


You might also want to ask your question on the win32 list --- the gurus
there may have better advice for you.


Good luck!