[Tutor] PIL - line width

A project5@redrival.net
Fri Feb 7 20:48:16 2003

Hello everyone,

I'm a beginner-level pythoneer and have been lurking on the list for quite some time now, picking up bits of advice. Now I'm working on my first Python project of over 30 lines and I need to draw images. I've got the PIL and I know how to draw with it, but I can't find (in the docs) any way to change the line width. I could draw several lines near each other to accomplish this. This is not just inconvenient, but presents another problem as well: I don't need just horizontal/vertical lines, but also arcs. Drawing two arcs next to each other will not always result in a smooth extra wide arc. Instead, there will be background-colored pixels on the arc which is supposed to be extra wide and solid (presumably due to rounding during the calculation of the pixels which belong to the arc). 

Any suggestions on how I could solve this issue? Is there a parameter which I missed completely? 

I have already:
- Googled for it, but the post it returned is about 2-3 years old (with a negative answer) and I was hoping something has changed in the mean time.
- considered ImageMagick, but the Python wrapper is poorly (or not at all) documented and I already have code using the PIL so I'd rather not switch


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