[Tutor] My serial prog and prob

Deirdre Hackett Deirdre Hackett" <deirdrehac@lycos.co.uk
Thu Feb 6 10:46:01 2003

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This is a profram to read in a string from the serial port. I want to take
in the information and store if (for the moment ) in an array of some type.
I am getting bogged down and can't move forward.
I would appreciate any advice on where i am going wrong.
The data comes in as
 '  - 2345    4565   - 5678  '
Thanks Deirdre

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from Tkinter import *
from threading import *
import timer
import time
import array
from Numeric import *
import serial

root = Tk()

ser = serial.Serial(0, timeout=1)

data = []

def send():

def take_in_data():
    xinput = ""
    yinput = ""
    zinput = ""

    input = ser.readline()
    xinput = input[:9]
    yinput = input[9:18]
    zinput = input[18:27]

    xsplit = xinput.split()
    ysplit = yinput.split()
    zsplit = zinput.split()

    x2string = ""
    for n in range(len(xsplit)):
        x2string += xsplit[n]

    y2string = ""
    for n in range(len(ysplit)):
        y2string += ysplit[n]

    z2string = ""
    for n in range(len(zsplit)):
        z2string += zsplit[n]

    if x2string > 3:
        xcommasplit = x2string.split(',')

    if y2string > 3:
        ycommasplit = y2string.split(',')

    if z2string > 3:
        zcommasplit = z2string.split(',')

    x3string = ""
    for n in range(len(xcommasplit)):
        x3string += xcommasplit[n]

    y3string = ""
    for n in range(len(ycommasplit)):
        y3string += ycommasplit[n]

    z2string = ""
    for n in range(len(zcommasplit)):
        z3string += zcommasplit[n]



for n in range(10):
	t = Timer(0.05, send)
	#print n
	a = Timer(0.05, take_in_data)
	#print input

#for b in range(10):
	#print data[b]


