[Tutor] [support@deltawebhosting.com: Re: Python cgi

Terry Carroll carroll at tjc.com
Thu Dec 25 10:01:17 EST 2003

On Thu, 25 Dec 2003, Alan Gauld wrote:

> Python has a restricted execution mode, how does it differ from
> Perl's?

Python doesn't have restricted execution any longer, does it?  My 
understanding is that it wasn't really robust and could be circumvented, 
and it was dropped in 2.3.

> And what is tainting? I've never heard of that before?

Perl has a "taint" mode, in which variables can be classified as secure or 
insecure ("tainted"), based on whther their content comes, directly or 
indirectly, from user input.  In this mode, a tainted variable cannot be 
used in any statement that modifies a file or process.

So, if Python had a taint mode, it would work something like this:

name=raw_input("enter your name")  # name is tainted
filein = name + ".input"           # filein is also tainted
fileout = name + ".output"         # as is fileout

print "Hello, %s, your info will be taken from %s and will be saved to %s" 
   % (name, filename)              # okay, even with tainted variables

f_in=open(filein,"r")              # okay; although filein is tainted,
                                   # this is a read-only file operation

f_out=open(fileout,"w")            # exception; operation on a file that
                                   # modifies it, using tainted variable
                                   # fileout

Terry Carroll
Santa Clara, CA
carroll at tjc.com 

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