[Tutor] Useless Python v2

Alfred Milgrom fredm at smartypantsco.com
Tue Dec 16 18:58:30 EST 2003

Hi Rob:

Congratulations on a very good looking site.

I always enjoyed 'Useless Python' and this is much nicer looking.
One issue I have, though, is that it is difficult to comment on a script or 
to make a suggestion back to the author.

As a quick example, I just had a look at Danny Yoo's script 
"test_pack_forget.py" from the "Browse GUI Programs" section.
This code is interesting, but there is a line missing preventing it from 
working properly (specifically "f1.pack()" or similar).

I don't know what the long-term solution to updating programs and inviting 
reader feedback should be, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.

Thanks again and keep up the good work,

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