[Tutor] Re: a list comp

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Dec 11 11:57:05 EST 2003

> >  >>> [index for index in del_list if index not in keep_list]
> > [2, 4, 8]
> so I still would have expected it to be returned. You said it
> quote:
> > Using the fact, that the list comprehension
> > itself constructs a new list, it goes simply like this:
> i.e were not asking newlist.append to return our newlist, were
asking the [result of the list comp]
> to be returned, which we both agree is our newlist :)

And a list will be returned. But it is a list full of 'None's,
one for each append operation.

Alan G.

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