[Tutor] Python vs. Lua

Daniel Ehrenberg littledanehren at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 7 19:01:06 EST 2003

I just heard about Lua, a scripting language with a
minimalistic but highly extendable procedural syntax.
It has only one number type that works as ints and
floats, one type called a table that basically unifies
dicts and lists, easily (but not necessarily)
anonymous functions, and just normal strings. Pretty
much anything can be used inline if it would make
sense. Even though it's procedural, it can easily be
used for object orientation using functions or tables
(or both), and the lack of built-in object orientation
actually makes it possible for it to be used in more
ways than in Python. The only bad thing I can think of
about Lua is the lack of many libraries, but there are
still enough libraries to do anything I'd want to do.
Are there any reasons why Python is better and I
shouldn't use Lua instead? I think I might be missing
some major flaw in the language.

Daniel Ehrenberg

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