[Tutor] curious

Daniel Ehrenberg littledanehren at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 3 21:19:14 EST 2003

Jacques wrote:
> I have a question. I was wondering if learning
> python will help me when I want to get a job. I want
> to be an electrical engineer. Will program languages
> help? Someone please tell me if it will help with my
> future. I'm only 15, and I don't do that great in
> school. I hate school, and have to many reasons in
> my mind why learning some subjects in school is
> ridiculous. But college and electrical engineering I
> am going to put 110% into it. Because i want to have
> a good future and be wealthy.

Python is a very good language to learn in general and
it's increasing its marketshare in buisness, but other
languages are in greater use. If you want to be an
engineer, you should probably learn CAD first (my
highschool has a CAD class that I'm taking, but it
might be more difficult for you to get access to CAD).
AutoCAD, the most popular CAD program, uses Lisp for
scripting, so you may want to learn that later (but
not first because Lisp is really hard). But I really
don't think you should be concentrating on learning
some programming language when you're not doing too
well in school. If you're trying to get into a good
college, they're only going to look at your GPA, not
how well you can program or how smart you actually
are. If you don't get good grades, you'll just be at a
community college or something around that level. So
you really shouldn't learn Python if your goal is to
become a wealthy engineer; you should get good grades.
BTW AFAICT unless you want to go into management, you
can't become that wealthly being an engineer.

Daniel Ehrenberg

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