[Tutor] A range of numbers

Gregor Lingl glingl at aon.at
Mon Dec 1 18:53:35 EST 2003

Hi Leung!

There is a range function in Python:

>>> range(5)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> range(5,10)
[5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

It outputs lists of integer values.
play around with it to learn how it works.
(Even to call range(10,20,2), i. e. with
3 arguments, is possible)

On the other han you can check if some value
is in a certain range with the in - Operator:

>>> y = 4
>>> y in range(5)
True # 1 in older Versions of Python
>>> y in range(5,10)
False # or 0

so if you first extract the coordinates of
your mouse-position:

>>> x,y = mouse_position()

then you can easily check if y is in the desired


Leung Cris schrieb:

> I was wondering if it is possible to set a variable or something to a
> RANGE of numbers. For instance , I want to have it so that when I
> mouse clicks in a certain region( let say, from (100,100) to
> (200,200)), it prints out "You Clicked!" . I'm doing this with
> Livewires right now. Of course, it would take forever if i try to write:
> if mouse_position() == (100,100) or (100,101) or (100,102)
> ..............................
> and mouse_buttons()['left'] == 1:
> do something
> that won't work... so , can anyone help?
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