[Tutor] Accessing the mailing list archive

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Mon Dec 1 16:21:50 EST 2003

> P.S., I save all the answers I get, and you couldn't imagine (or you
> probably do, but I just said so, cause it sounds nice), how helpfull is
> having you answers saved somewhere, and when something is not so clear,
> just open those files, and see what was doing wrong ...

Hi Tadey,

By the way, there's also an archive of the whole mailing list:


so if you ever want to browse some old threads, you can always turn to
that link.  Everything is saved to the archive, which is pretty useful.

There's also a rudimentary list searcher here:


and sooner or later, someone is bound to write a nicer search interface to
the archive.

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