[Tutor] Reading directory contents

tpc at csua.berkeley.edu tpc at csua.berkeley.edu
Fri Aug 29 12:01:14 EDT 2003

hi Mike, what are you trying to do ?  For what it's worth, I have some
code that traverses a directory tree recursively, starting at my web
server document root, and indexes all *.HTML pages.  Not sure if this is
up your alley:

APACHE_ROOT_DIR = ''   # you put in your path here
newList = []
def htmlFinder(arg, dirname, fnames):
	for fn in fnames:
		if fn.endswith('.html'):
			path = os.path.join(dirname, fn)
	os.path.walk(APACHE_ROOT_DIR, htmlFinder, None)
	return newList

I hope that helps you.

On 29 Aug 2003, Mike Wagman wrote:

> I need some code to load and parse file directories. Can anyone either
> send me some sample code, or a site that talks about this issue.
> 	Thanks
> 	Mike
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