[Tutor] Locating Serial module

Terry Carroll carroll at tjc.com
Thu Aug 28 12:27:04 EDT 2003

On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Gerrit Holl wrote:

> <quote name="Terry Carroll" date="1062065545" email="carroll at tjc.com">
> > On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Khai Nguyen wrote:
> > > IF you are not sure about which libray is installed on your system, unix
> > > or PC, you go to the interpreter, or idle and type "modules", without
> > > paranthese, python will display all libs installed on your system.
> > 
> > That doesn't work for me.
> </quote>
> You need to type "help modules"

Ah, thanks for the hint.  I find that (on my Windows system, at least), 

  >>> help()

followed by 

  help> modules

Terry Carroll        |   "I say to you that the VCR is to the American
Santa Clara, CA      |   film producer and the American public as the 
carroll at tjc.com      |   Boston strangler is to the woman home alone."  
                     |       Jack Valenti, MPAA President
Modell delendus est  |       Testimony before Congress, 1982

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