[Tutor] Locating Serial module

Stanfield, Vicki {D167~Indianapolis} VICKI.STANFIELD at ROCHE.COM
Wed Aug 27 10:58:59 EDT 2003

When I began working with serial com in Python, I tried several different packages. I think I finally ended up using the Sioserial stuff for Python 2.2 (which is what I have). I do not use Windows often but am doing this code on a Windows 2000 system. I wanted to verify what Serial module I am using, so I looked at the Add/Remove Programs and found two: Python 2.2 combined Win32 extensions and Python 2.2 pyserial-1.18. I also have wxPython for Python 2.2 and of course Python 2.2. I (think) I need to determine which serial module I am using since I want to find documentation on the write command. I attempted to remove the Serial folder under my Python2.2 directory and my program still runs. Doesn't that mean that that is not the one I am using? Does wxPython by chance come with serial built in? I'm not really sure on a Windows system how to determine which is being used. 

The import statement that I am using is:

from wxPython.wx import *
import os, string, serial

The port is opened thusly:

port = serial.Serial(0, 9600, 8, 'N', 2, timeout=60)

Doesn't this mean that there should be a serial.py file on my system which contains a function Serial?

I apologize for my naivete.


Best Regards,
--vicki stanfield

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