[Tutor] [slightly ot]python, web servers, and learning cgi

Alan Colburn aicolburn at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 25 13:52:41 EDT 2003

I'd like to start learning about how to write
web-based Python scripts. My campus server, however,
will not support Python--just Perl and CGI. So, I'm
assuming my best option is to run a small server from
my (WindowsXP) desktop. The rest of my web site will
remain where it is, and I'll simply link to the
scripts running of my desktop; only the script based
pages will run off the desktop. I only anticipate
needing the scripts during select parts of the
academic year. The rest of the time the desktop-based
server does not need to be on.

So, here are my questions. First, does this seem
logical? If it does, can anyone offer a suggestion for
a free, secure, simple, easy to set up server?
[Actually, while I'm at it, how does one check to see
whether their web-based scripts work without actually
being connected to the web? HTML pages can easily be
read on a desktop; do cgi-Python pages work the same

Thanks, as always, for your help! -- Al C.

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