[Tutor] Help in geting external program output

Wael Salloum wsalloum at intertrust.com
Wed Aug 20 18:25:36 EDT 2003



            So I am just learning python- and I have a program in java
and it writes into a file, and I want it to return the filename to me
(in python.)


            So I have a script and I use fileName = os.popen('java


            However, its always returning blank! 


            Now when I do os.popen('dir').read() it works just fine...


            So my question is, what does Python deem is the output of a
file, and how can I get my java code to 'output' a filename..


            Its obviously not println's (I tried that).. so I am
stumped.. Do you have any ideas?


            I just started in python, so I am sorry if this is a stupid
question- I am not subscribed to the list so let me know how it goes.


            Thanks... Wael

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