[Tutor] more py revisited

SGD vibrations at cetlink.net
Sun Aug 24 15:32:04 EDT 2003

I didn't give enough info in my last question so I'll restate it.

I would like to install multiple instances of python on windows XP,
specifically 2.2.3 and 2.3.    
Is this possible? And if so, what are the laws that govern the process?
I tried the manuals, but I must have missed it...

I'm not confident in knowing I could use 2.3 as my main environment and
still allowing me to work in 2.2.3 until the packages I would like to
use are updated. Say I'm using an IDE connected to 2.3, how would I run
a 2.2.3 script from that same IDE (any IDE really, I use so many, so
hard to decide which I like best)? Or better yet, specifying which run
time version I would like to run a script from explorer? Is it legal to
rename one of the exe's to say, python.exe->py22.exe and
pythonw.exe->pyw22.exe, to use windows "right click" "open with", or
something similar?

I had both installed before but was experiencing problem, I think I
missed something.
I'm looking specifically for windows, but anyone who has info on this
for other platforms (Linux, UNIX, etc.) would be useful all the same.


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