[Tutor] where you is?

David Rock david at graniteweb.com
Sat Aug 16 23:47:02 EDT 2003

* Kirk Bailey <idiot1 at netzero.net> [2003-08-16 22:47]:
> tpc at csua.berkeley.edu wrote:
> >for the mentally challenged such as myself, I consider it a refreshing
> >change of pace to have weekends to focus on other important things like
> >video games and riding my bicycle.  I did, however, have my first Python
> >dream just a few minutes ago...
> >
> wow. serious hard case. My kind of hacker. Been there myself when hammering 
> it in hard early on in the learning curve. tell me, was it a happy dream, 
> just a strange mix of dreamstuff and codestuff, frightening nightmare, or- 
> well, shall we say, was it of an adult nature?
> And I'm glad to see some people still manage to have a life AND a passion 
> for programming.

The only reason I have a life is because my wife says so ;-) 
I would be a hopeless case if she didn't make me socialize with normal

David Rock
david at graniteweb.com
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