[Tutor] Text processing and functional programming?

Clay Shirky clay at ernie.webservepro.com
Fri Aug 15 14:06:18 EDT 2003

> However if you aren't already familiar with FP concepts then
> comprehensions probably tell you as much as the named functions
> do - and are usually faster!

This is the position I'm in -- its all list operations to me, and
having a separate name for "checks the elements against a condition"
and "transforms the elements" doesn't make much difference.

Of course, the other thing pushing me in this direction is that I just
got here, so to me, things like yeild and list comprehensions have
always been part of python, the same way def and return have. There's
no familiarity barrier.

> > Is it just that these are examples, and at some point you want to
> > write a def that performs so many functions that you don't want to
> > write it in-line?
> Exactly so, Danny was just keeping it short.

got it, thx


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