[Tutor] [Off-topic rant on the title of the"Dummies/Idiots/Morons" book series]

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Wed Aug 13 09:51:57 EDT 2003

Sean wrote:
> Ignorance is the lack of knowledge, stupidity is the inability to
> Danny, many of us agree with you on the naming thing.

The name doesn't bother me, I proudly display two ...for Dummies'
books on my shelves :-)

However I am currently teaching myself to program my Apple iBook
using Cocoa and Objective C and the book I'm using contains this
fantastic bit of advice:

"Whenever things don't work out as you expected just repeat:
'Programming is hard and I am not stupid!'"

I thought that was great.

Alan G.

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