[Tutor] Flow control question.

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Aug 11 21:54:56 EDT 2003

> And when I run it against a test list, every address that fails
> two errors, both a bad_address() error and a "doesn't match" error
from the
> for loop below.
> How can I make the for loop skip the second if test if the return is
after a
> bad_address() call?

I'm not sure thats the ptroblem BUT you don't shjow where orig_address
is set.  If the tet for orig_address fails for any reason - not a
or formatting say, the first if will fail and you will get the 'bad
address report... But without seing the oroig_address bit I can't say
more than that.

Alan G.

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