[Tutor] Re: using debug

Gregor Lingl glingl at aon.at
Sun Aug 10 21:32:10 EDT 2003

Ron A schrieb:

>In IDLE there's
>-- file  edit  debug  windows  help --
Hi Ron!
Is it only incidentally, that you ask this, while I've posted
a detailed Step by Step description of getting started with
"debug" only few hours before your posting as a reply to
example help?

If so, you can find it here:
Try it out!

The original request, containing the code of fact and power was:


Regards, Gregor Lingl

>That's the debug I meant. I'm a very casual user, and it's probably not
>for me.
>I thought it might be something simple that would help debug a program
>if I was having a problem.
>Ron A
>Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org

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