[Tutor] further wikinessismlogy

Kirk Bailey idiot1 at netzero.net
Thu Aug 7 21:24:03 EDT 2003

OK, got some stuff to toss out for fun and amusement:


# follows is a function/object/thingie that determines if a word
# is a WikiWord. WikiWords are to be treated as LINKS to pages, and
# are constructed as 2 words runtogether (like that was) with the First
# Letter Of Each word RUNTOGETHER. ALL CAPITAL words are NOT to be treated
# as wikiwords. Therefore, it must preserve some sense of prior state...
# I *THINK* the following is a (simple?) state machine...
def iswikiword(word):				# test to see is a wikiword
	caps='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'	# define capitalletters
	prior=0					# set inital state for flags
	count=0					# wikiwords have 2+ transitions-count!
	for letter in word:			# examine each letter
		if letter in caps:		# if it IS a capital letter,
			prior=1			# store that state
		else:					# and if not,
			if prior==1:		# but the previous one WAS,
				prior=0		# reset the flag,
				count=count+1	# anc count the transition!
			else:				# otherwise,
				pass 			# chill out.
	if count > 1:				# ok, the results are in;
		return 1				# if there are 2+, it is. Say so.
	else:						# and if not,
		return 0				# say so.
# now we bend string.find into a tool to generate boolian logic values.
# in python, a 0 (ZERO) is a 'no', and ANY OTHER VALUE is a 'yes'
def isin(str,substr):		# this thing is a general tool.
	return 1+string.find(str,substr)	# it returns a logical 1 or 0
# now we can use it in other tools.
def ishyperlink(word):		# uses previous to detect a hyperlink
	if isin(word,'http://'): # makes top level code simper to read
		return 1
		return 0
# we use this tool to create wikilinks- html links in the wiki to
# a specific page in the wiki.
def makewikilink(word):		# makes wikiwords into hyperlinks to the wiki
	link='a \
	return link		# look out, word wrap!
# But some links go elsewhere, and are structured differently.
# these already contain the web prefix needed IN THEM, so we do not add
# it. Instead, we exault it so it will work.
# oh- as a security precaution, we removed <anglebrackets> prior to this.
def makehyperlink(word):	# this converts url's into working links.
	link='<a href="'+word+'">'+word+'</a>'
	return link
This wiki WILL see the light of day. Someday.

Giggling insanely in the family compscilab, I remain;

         Kirk D Bailey

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