[Tutor] Regular Expression guru saught

Kirk Bailey idiot1@netzero.net
Mon Aug 4 22:22:02 EDT 2003

ok, here's the rub;
I am writing a wiki. A wiki stores the body of a page in a flat text 
file. NO HTML. The markup ciode is a simplistic set, Alas, some of them 
use the SAME symbol series to turn a feature on, or off- it is a toggle.

SOME functions use the SAME tags to turn a function ON or OFF- it is a 

For instance:
'''bold''' text -   BOLD is printed BOLD, appears in output as
<b>bold</b> text
''italic'' text - italic is printed in italics, as
<i>italic</i> text

Doing this with string.replace is just not cutting the mustard. Any advice?

Karl Pflästerer wrote:

> On  4 Aug 2003, Kirk Bailey <- idiot1@netzero.net wrote:
>>(x)- discuss on this list
>>( )- discuss off list, private correspondance
>>( )- (other, specify:________________________________)     :-)
>    Karl




         Kirk D Bailey

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