[Tutor] Recursion help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld@blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Aug 1 03:40:01 2003

> You can look at it this way:
> printList((1,2,3))
>    prints (1,2,3)[0] which is 1
>    runs printList((1,2,3)[1:]) = printList((2,3))
>    now we're in printList((2,3))
>       prints (2,3)[0] which is 2
>       runs printList((2,3)[1:]) and so on ...

I modified it slightly and expanded it to completely describe the
function. I also added a brief explanation about using slicing 
[1:] to get the end of the list.

See what you think here:



Alan G
without Guido's time machine...