[Tutor] ttList-module problem

Mehta, Anish Anish.Mehta@enst-bretagne.fr
Tue Apr 29 08:37:03 2003

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I just replied to the message. I was not aware that it will not go the=20
list. Sorry for the inconvenience. Now i will take care of that i always=20
post to the list.
I am attaching the ttx.py program. Please help me in understanding the=20
I am trying to understand it step by step   and also learning python as=20
well. But still i am a beginner in python.  The first module=20
makeoutputdir in this is doing like this according to me:

It tries to find an available file name, making sure it doesn't take the =
name of an existing file, and if it sees a name in a particular format --=
- if that name has a trailing number --- it tries to create a new name wi=
th the next ascending number in sequence.

I am struck up with the module ttList. Not getting it properly. Roughly i=
 think that it will print the information about some table in truetype fo=
nts in the form of format, checksum etc..

Thanks for responding.


Magnus Lyck=E5 wrote:

> At 11:45 2003-04-29 +0200, Mehta, Anish wrote:
>> Hello !
>> I am having some problem in understanding this code. Firstly i am not=20
>> finding TTFont which is being imported with the command
>> from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
> It's even worse for me...
> >>> import fontTools
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
> ImportError: No module named fontTools
> fontTools is not a standard library. It's probably helpful to
> explain what python packages you are working with. This might
> also be a question which is too specific for this mailing list.
> --=20
> Magnus Lycka (It's really Lyck&aring;), magnus@thinkware.se
> Thinkware AB, Sweden, www.thinkware.se
> I code Python ~ The shortest path from thought to working program
> _______________________________________________
> Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor

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#! /usr/bin/env python

usage: ttx [options] inputfile1 [... inputfileN]

    TTX %s -- From OpenType To XML And Back

    If an input file is a TrueType or OpenType font file, it will be
       dumped to an TTX file (an XML-based text format).
    If an input file is a TTX file, it will be compiled to a TrueType
       or OpenType font file.

    Output files are created so they are unique: an existing file is
       never overwrritten.

    General options:
    -h Help: print this message
    -d <outputfolder> Specify a directory where the output files are
       to be created.
    -v Verbose: more messages will be written to stdout about what
       is being done.

    Dump options:
    -l List table info: instead of dumping to a TTX file, list some
       minimal info about each table.
    -t <table> Specify a table to dump. Multiple -t options
       are allowed. When no -t option is specified, all tables
       will be dumped.
    -x <table> Specify a table to exclude from the dump. Multiple
       -x options are allowed. -t and -x are mutually exclusive.
    -s Split tables: save the TTX data into separate TTX files per
       table and write one small TTX file that contains references
       to the individual table dumps. This file can be used as
       input to ttx, as long as the table files are in the
       same directory.
    -i Do NOT disassemble TT instructions: when this option is given,
       all TrueType programs (glyph programs, the font program and the
       pre-program) will be written to the TTX file as hex data
       instead of assembly. This saves some time and makes the TTX
       file smaller.

    Compile options:
    -m Merge with TrueType-input-file: specify a TrueType or OpenType
       font file to be merged with the TTX file. This option is only
       valid when at most one TTX file is specified.
    -b Don't recalc glyph boundig boxes: use the values in the TTX
       file as-is.

import sys
import os
import getopt
import re
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
from fontTools import version

def usage():
	print __doc__ % version

numberAddedRE = re.compile("(.*)#\d+$")

def makeOutputFileName(input, outputDir, extension):
	dir, file = os.path.split(input)
	file, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
	if outputDir:
		dir = outputDir
	output = os.path.join(dir, file + extension)
	m = numberAddedRE.match(file)
	if m:
		file = m.group(1)
	n = 1
	while os.path.exists(output):
		output = os.path.join(dir, file + "#" + repr(n) + extension)
		n = n + 1
	return output

class Options:

	listTables = 0
	outputDir = None
	verbose = 0
	splitTables = 0
	disassembleInstructions = 1
	mergeFile = None
	recalcBBoxes = 1
	def __init__(self, rawOptions, numFiles):
		self.onlyTables = []
		self.skipTables = []
		for option, value in rawOptions:
			# general options
			if option == "-h":
				print __doc__ % version
			elif option == "-d":
				if not os.path.isdir(value):
					print "The -d option value must be an existing directory"
				self.outputDir = value
			elif option == "-v":
				self.verbose = 1
			# dump options
			elif option == "-l":
				self.listTables = 1
			elif option == "-t":
			elif option == "-x":
			elif option == "-s":
				self.splitTables = 1
			elif option == "-i":
				self.disassembleInstructions = 0
			# compile options
			elif option == "-m":
				self.mergeFile = value
			elif option == "-b":
				self.recalcBBoxes = 0
		if self.onlyTables and self.skipTables:
			print "-t and -x options are mutually exlusive"
		if self.mergeFile and numFiles > 1:
			print "Must specify exactly one TTX source file when using -i"

def ttList(input, output, options):
	ttf = TTFont(input)
	reader = ttf.reader
	tags = reader.keys()
	print 'Listing table info for "%s":' % input
	format = "    %4s  %10s  %7s  %7s"
	print format % ("tag ", "  checksum", " length", " offset")
	print format % ("----", "----------", "-------", "-------")
	for tag in tags:
		entry = reader.tables[tag]
		checksum = "0x" + hex(entry.checkSum)[2:].zfill(8)
		print format % (tag, checksum, entry.length, entry.offset)

def ttDump(input, output, options):
	print 'Dumping "%s" to "%s"...' % (input, output)
	ttf = TTFont(input, 0, verbose=options.verbose)

def ttCompile(input, output, options):
	print 'Compiling "%s" to "%s"...' % (input, output)
	ttf = TTFont(options.mergeFile,

	if options.verbose:
		import time
		print "finished at", time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))

def guessFileType(fileName):
		f = open(fileName, "rb")
	except IOError:
		return None
		import macfs
	except ImportError:
		cr, tp = macfs.FSSpec(fileName).GetCreatorType()
		if tp == "FFIL":
			return "TTF"
	header = f.read(256)
	head = header[:4]
	if head == "OTTO":
		return "OTF"
	elif head in ("\0\1\0\0", "true"):
		return "TTF"
	elif head.lower() == "<?xm":
		if header.find('sfntVersion="OTTO"') > 0:
			return "OTX"
			return "TTX"
	return None

def parseOptions(args):
		rawOptions, files = getopt.getopt(args, "ld:vht:x:sim:b")
	except getopt.GetoptError:
	if not files:
	options = Options(rawOptions, len(files))
	jobs = []
	for input in files:
		tp = guessFileType(input)
		if tp in ("OTF", "TTF"):
			extension = ".ttx"
			if options.listTables:
				action = ttList
				action = ttDump
		elif tp == "TTX":
			extension = ".ttf"
			action = ttCompile
		elif tp == "OTX":
			extension = ".otf"
			action = ttCompile
			print 'Unknown file type: "%s"' % input
		output = makeOutputFileName(input, options.outputDir, extension)
		jobs.append((action, input, output))
	return jobs, options

def process(jobs, options):
	for action, input, output in jobs:
		action(input, output, options)

def waitForKeyPress():
	"""Force the DOS Prompt window to stay open so the user gets
	a chance to see what's wrong."""
	import msvcrt
	print '(Hit any key to exit)'
	while not msvcrt.kbhit():

def main(args):
	jobs, options = parseOptions(args)
		process(jobs, options)
	except KeyboardInterrupt:
		print "(Cancelled.)"
	except SystemExit:
		if sys.platform == "win32":
		if sys.platform == "win32":
			import traceback

if __name__ == "__main__":
