[Tutor] moving files

Not Important oplin_eater@yahoo.com
Tue Apr 8 17:34:01 2003

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I can't seem to find a module to move file 

is there one or any other way to move files?

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<P>I can't seem to find a module to move file </P>
<P>is there one or any other way to move files?</P><p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
<a href="http://rd.yahoo.com/platinum/evt=8162/*http://platinum.yahoo.com/splash.html">Yahoo! Platinum</a> - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, <a href="http://rd.yahoo.com/platinum/evt=8162/*http://platinum.yahoo.com/splash.html">live on your desktop</a>!