[Tutor] Re:Newby!!!!

Lance E Sloan lsloan@umich.edu
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 08:56:21 -0400

--On Thursday, September 26, 2002 0:59 +0200 Magnus Lycka 
<magnus@thinkware.se> wrote:
> Please correct your date setting (year 2001 passed),
> your mail ends up in the wrong end of our lists...

Not to mention in the wrong part of the list archives.  We have messages in 
the archive for years 1980 (before Python was created), 2003, 2011, 2012, 
and 2027.  Can somebody fix those messages in the archives?  Better yet, 
can  we get the mailing list software (It's Mailman, right?) to not accept 
or deliver messages that don't have a reasonable date?

Lance E Sloan
Web Services, Univ. of Michigan: Full-service Web and database design,
development, and hosting.  Specializing in Python & Perl CGIs.
http://websvcs.itd.umich.edu/ - "Putting U on the Web"