[Tutor] HTMLgen

Steve Lewis steve_lewis@openiso.com
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 15:27:47 -0500 (CDT)

I have been trying to use HTMLgen. I have not been able to do anything
with it. Does anybody have any links to how-tos that you have found to be

Steve Lewis

> I'd like to work with the HTMLgen package but I am encountering some
> difficulties. (I hope) I succeeded with its installation - I ran
> HTMLtest and the program generated most of the HTML files (I replaced
> regex with re, and there was another I had to remove completely). I was
> able to run a simple code at the C: prompt:
> C:\>python
>>>> from HTMLgen import *
>>>> p = Paragraph("bla, bla/n, bla")
>>>> print p
> <P> bla, bla
> bla</P>
> But when I wanted to run the same test within IDLE I got:
>>>> from HTMLgen import *
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in ?
>    from HTMLgen import *
> ImportError: No module named HTMLgen
> I suspect I have some kind of installation/setup problem, but I don't
> know what the problem is.
> I have another question regarding the use of HTMLgen. How can I insert
> a simple text file to my HTML page? Open ti, readlines, write, but how?
> Thanks
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>      Andrzej
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