[Tutor] I don't get it

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry@attbi.com
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 09:34:47 -0700

On Friday 20 September 2002 09:36, Erik Price wrote:
> I have heard of unit-testing.  But I'm not sure exactly what it is.  My
> best guess is that it's when you provide sample data in the "if
> __name__ =3D=3D '__main__' " block so that you can execute this class
> individually to make sure it works.
> But I don't know the methodology of unit testing.

breaking the name down it means testing in small units of functionality. =
function/class/whatever in a module would have one or more test functions=
written which verify proper behavior.  As you said the main block provide=
s a=20
way to run these tests in an elegant manner.