[Tutor] Not sure how to phrase this question

Arthur ajs@ix.netcom.com
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 18:55:28 -0400

Hoping I can get some help digesting the following
class returnClassic(object):
    def __new__(self):
        return Classic()
class callClassic(object):
    def __new__(self):
class returnNewStyle(object):
    def __new__(self):
        return NewStyle()
class callNewStyle(object):
    def __new__(self):
class returnNewStyle(object):
    def __new__(self):
       return NewStyle()

class Classic:
    def __init__(self):
        print "Classic class init"
class NewStyle(object):
    def __init__(self):
        print "NewStyle class init"

if __name__ == "__main__":
   print "call to callClassic()" 
   print cc.__class__
   print "*************" 
   print "call to returnClassic()" 
   print rc.__class__
   print "*************" 
   print "call to callNewStyle()" 
   print cns.__class__
   print "*************" 
   print "call to returnNewStyle()" 
   print rns.__class__
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call to callClassic()
Classic class init
<type 'NoneType'>
call to returnClassic()
Classic class init
call to callNewStyle()
NewStyle class init
<type 'NoneType'>
call to returnNewStyle()
NewStyle class init
NewStyle class init
<class '__main__.NewStyle'

Problem being for what I am after the "returnClassic" seems
to be the simplest alternative.  But would  I be relying on what is
essentially a side-effect.

The "returnNewStyle" seems to actually create 2 instances, while
the "callNewStyle" seems to create a class in some netherworld
between existence and non-existence.

Would hate to have to resort to truely understanding
this stuff to get to where I am hoping to get. 
