[Tutor] Question

Midnit3408@aol.com Midnit3408@aol.com
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 02:08:57 EDT

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Sir or Madam,

I was curious about the use of Python. Ive been wanting to learn how to write 
a program similar to a search engine That would be capable of pulling up and 
opening documents within itself. Is that possible with Python or should I try 
another program for that use? If so which one would you suggest?

Thank you for your time.


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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE=2 FAMILY="SCRIPT" FACE="Comic Sans MS" LANG="0"><B>Sir or Madam,<BR>
I was curious about the use of Python. Ive been wanting to learn how to write a program similar to a search engine That would be capable of pulling up and opening documents within itself. Is that possible with Python or should I try another program for that use? If so which one would you suggest?<BR>
Thank you for your time.<BR>
