[Tutor] First script project...

Steve Lewis steve_lewis@openiso.com
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 17:39:36 -0500 (CDT)


This is my first post to tutor list and am just starting to learn Pyton. I
work in a very busy Helpdesk at the nations largest poultry producer. As
my first learning project I would like to automate the opening of the many
tools, apps, that we use.
We are standardized on W2K pro. I have a folder on my Desktop that
contains Shortcuts to all of my tools. I open the apps one at a time using
the shortcuts.
What I thought may be a good and useful Python learning project is
creating a script that will open all of my apps with the one script.
A gentle nudge in the correct direction would be great. I am using online
tutorials, papers and "The Quick Python BooK" to learn with. I am learning
alone so I hoped this list and all of the fine folks here would help fill
the void.
Thank you for any and all advice, pointers and gentle nudges.

Steve Lewis