[Tutor] The Gang of Four (was: A Book for You and Me)

Erik Price erikprice@mac.com
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 23:54:37 -0400

On Wednesday, September 4, 2002, at 05:48  AM, Scot W. Stevenson wrote:

> Simply put, this book is far too advanced for me, and I wish I had 
> bought
> "Code Complete" by McConnell first and "Design Patterns" sometime in 
> the
> future when I am able (and willing) to think about objects on that 
> level
> of abstraction - and can stomach the prose. For Python beginners, this 
> is
> definitely a "We read Knuth so you don't have to" (Tim Peters in the
> "Python Cookbook") kind of book.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who was daunted when he picked up the 
book in the store and tried reading it for an hour or so.  Perhaps it's 
only to those of us who haven't formal training in comp sci (like 
myself and Scot).

Speaking of "Code Complete", that's another highly recommended book 
from people whose opinions I regard highly (you know who you are), and 
when I read a little bit of that one in the store, I discovered that it 
didn't seem to discuss the OO methodology at all.  I was somewhat 
surprised by this, and hopefully I'm wrong.  Also, this one's even 
older than "Design Patterns"!  It looks like a good book, though.


Erik Price

email: erikprice@mac.com
jabber: erikprice@jabber.org