[Tutor] Addison-Wesley Sale (was: A Book for People Like Me)

Kojo Idrissa kojo@hal-pc.org
Wed, 04 Sep 2002 21:35:45 -0500

At 09:59 PM 9/3/2002 -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
>On Tuesday 03 September 2002 21:46, Erik Price wrote:
> >(that "Design Patterns" book
> > by Gamma and the others seems to come up all the time, too bad it's so
> > expensive).
> >
> >
>Yeah, it is expensive and so are all of the Addison Wesley books.  The main
>selling point is that almost all of them are good

Well, as I was reading these posts at work today, I got an email for the 
good folks at <www.bookpool.com>.  Looks like they've got the A-W books 
(along with some others) on sale for 41, 28 and 21% off, depending on the 
"series", Trade, Pro or Pro Reference.  The Gamma book is a Pro, so it's 
28% off.

Sorry to post what seems to be a commercial (I am not affiliated with 
Bookpool...I've just bought some books from them), but it seemed rather 

Returning to Lurk Mode...

Kojo Idrissa
