[Tutor] Parsing iptables log files

Amaya Rodrigo Sastre arodrigo@genasys.com
03 Sep 2002 17:43:09 +0200

On Tue, 2002-09-03 at 17:33, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> as you can see .append(0) made already_read[0] = 0, no reason to do it by hand 
> again.

Good, I was doing that to force it to get in the loop, oh God :-)

> because you are accessing already_read[1] which does not exist, your script 
> only creates the [0] entry.

Thank you, that's exactly what it was hard for me to see...

> I see nothing obviously wrong with the commented out regex section it is 
> actually failing later in the script.

Well, it also helps that I realized that the log file was wrong and
uploaded a better file. 

And it's still Tuesday ;-)

Thanks for your time...

Amaya M. Rodrigo Sastre       Genasys II Spain, S.A.U. 
MLS Sysadmin                    Ventura de la Vega, 5. 
Phone: +34.91.3649100              28014 Madrid. Spain