[Tutor] Python & wxWindows Question

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Wed Oct 23 07:17:02 2002

> Anyone know anything about wxWindows being used with Python?

Quite a few folks use wxPython on this list.

> I want to use a control on a dialog that allows me to update 
> it at runtime(text, colour, font etc.) 

Pretty much any control will do that (in pretty much 
any GUI toolkit!)

> ... what I don't want is a box that halts program
> execution 

Again, virtually anycontrol will do that too.

Can you say why you think it might be a problem? 
What have you tried so far? What happened?
Normally finding a way to generate the updates 
without blocking is the hard bit, not sending 
the updates to the control...

Alan g.
Author of the 'Learning to Program' web site