[Tutor] independent process

BELSEY, Dylan dylan.belsey@baesystems.com
Wed Oct 23 03:14:02 2002

OK, I have just been shown a possible solution to this problem.

	os.system("start %s" %(self.DB_GUI))

	Using "start" will create an independent process in DOS/Windows
systems.  However, is there a Python, platform independent way of doing
this.  I am also open to any other solutions that people may have.


-----Original Message-----
From: BELSEY, Dylan [mailto:dylan.belsey@baesystems.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 23 October 2002 16:27
To: 'tutor@python.org'
Subject: [Tutor] independent process

Hi Tutors,
	I need some advice on how to run an independent application from
within Python.
	Here is the scenario.  I am using WinNT, with Python 2.1.1 and
Tkinter (inc. Pmw) for my GUIs.  Currently I have created a GUI that has
three buttons on it.  The first button initiates a system command to create
a text file and a .dat file, from a binary file, by calling a prewritten C++
utility (in executable form).  The second button also runs a system command
to load a database using the .dat file.  The command looks something like: 

	"mysql < SignalRecording1.dat"

	It is the third button that I am having trouble with.  I need this
button, when pressed, to start up a front-end to the database, by calling
the front-end's executable.  Currently I am using MySQL-Front. I have put
the location of the .exe in an environment variable.  So I interrogate the
variable using: 

	self.DB_GUI = os.getenv("DB_GUI") 

and then run either: 

	os.system("%s" %(self.DB_GUI)) 
	CommandEnv = os.popen3("%s" %(self.DB_GUI))

	My problem is that with either of these commands, the GUI containing
the buttons hangs until I close the MySQL-Front application.  Is there away
to spawn this as a totally independent process/application so that the user
can close the initial GUI or keep using it without having to quit the
front-end?  Note: I am using Windows.


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